Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Melanie is Responding to New Technique
The last couple of days, I've tried a new technique learned from one of GDB's CD's, in that I've kept the Gentle Lead on while out walking and as soon as we get near a dog distraction and she responds to my stern correction I've been giving her "jackpot" treats, meaning 3 or 4 treats in a row to really keep her focused on me. It seems to be working pretty well. I'm only doing that type of reward on really annoying distractions, not the occasional bark or passing dog under good control. Then she gets good praise andencouragement to keep going. We didn't walk this afternoon but I let her play in the back yard. I needed to do a lot of Melanie laundry, washing all her beds and towels, etc., vacuuming and dusting hair. Between her and the 2 cats, the house becomes a giant fur ball every other day. I brush Melanie every day, brush her teeth twice a week, clean her ears once a week, and tomorrow I have to give her heart worm medication and flea & tick preventitive. She's a full time job, but she looks beautiful and healthy. I'm just lucky to fit in a hair appointment for myself this week.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
We're Working Hard
After listening to more GDB CD's, I used a different strategy with Melanie today. We took a real long walk to Trader Joe's (all uphill) and went very smoothly. I used her Gentle Lead right from the start and she was a perfect lady all the way up, while in the store, and until we came back down the hill toward the ocean and I told her to make a right turn, which means we were going towards home, not the beach. She had a puppy fit, meaning she just sat down, looked at me as if I had promised her we could go and then changed my mind. It was like a child going through the "terrible two's". I half expected her to lie on her back and kick up her feet. Well, I started off with the usual obedience commands, which she did, but still did not want to go forward towards home. This time I put my foot down and moved her regular collar up high, gave her a super sharp jerk on the leash, and commanded her with the strongest voice I could and gave the command again. This time, she responded as if she was thinking, "Gee, I never heard her talk to me that way before". So, we got home fine and I gave her lots of love and let her run around the house a bit. Then, we went out again for another little walk and came back on the sidewalk that run parallel to the recreation trail. She could see it but there wasn't a dog distraction. In fact, as we got to the Cannery shopping mall, there was minivan with its motor running. I thought we could go to the right of it but it was real close and it started up and I wasn't sure if they had seen us on the right, so Melanie took it into her own mind to actually start backing up and literally turned around to get away from the vehicle. I gave her tons of praise and food reward and once the van was gone, we were able to continue on home. Love that Dog.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Work and Reality are Setting In
The last couple of days we had part good walks and part stressful, in that at times Melanie behaved like a perfect Guide Dog and other times like a spoiled puppy. I know she still is in a puppy stage; however, it's important I keep her on track, especially when it comes to other dog distractions and when she drags her feet knowing that we're going home. Apparently, she could trot all day, alas, I can't. I try to get two walks a day with her on different routes, but she mainly wants to walk the recreation trail. I can't blame her, but it's not her choice to make (at least that's the way GDB explained it). I've been re-listening to their CD's on how to deal with various dog issues and still have more to listen to. I probably need to talk with a GDB instructor to make sure my technique for focusing her attention away from other dogs and back on her work. She always has plenty of play time when she gets home so she shouldn't get distracted from her work. Of course, it's been less than a month since we got home from training but I don't want to be using correction techniques that are not working correctly. Ah, Yes, Guide Dog Reality!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I Had a Great Thanksgiving With Melanie
The day started crisp, clear and cold. Melanie, for some reason, was all hyperactive this morning, not sure if it was the weather or the pork shoulder slow cooking for the past 24 hours, but while I was eating my granola, I noticed that she didn't sound like she was chewing her nyla bone, which I leave on her mat. I checked and what had happened was that in her wild enthusiasm, she had actually pulled out the I-bolt the tie down was fastened to along with part of the plastic/rubber molding, which she was shredding. I got it right away from her and hope she hadn't actually swallowed any of it. We went for our brisk morning walk and she seemed fine the rest of the day. Of course, now a new I-bolt will need to be put in as well as new molding. One thing that I have been doing a little different is letting her off leash (supervised) while in the house, just to start getting her used to it. She does love running free and I have to temper some of her exuberance, but she is definitely one happy dog. Even one of my cats ran up and touched her nose with her paw which made Melanie jump up and the cat run. But she came back again and ran around my chair to see what Melanie would do. Looks like this Thankgiving may be the beginning of a great friendship.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Walking in the Rain
This morning, Melanie and I got out a little later than usual, as there were a number of rain bursts and darkening skies. However, I realized I needed a couple of spices for my Thanksgiving mince pie, so while it was still clearing, we left for Nob HIll. I wore my raincoat and I also put Melanies little yellow rancoat on, which, of course, she wasn't happy about. She didn't fuss too much, but she really wanted a long walk along the rec trail, which due to weather we haven't done for a couple of days, so she's got a lot of pent up energy. Well, we made it to the store with no problem and people thought she looked adorable, even though Melanie's ears were hanging just a little lower than usual. But, as we made our way home, the rain let loose and we were glad to have our raincoats on. But, silly as it seems, when we got home, I had to relieve her as usual, but I had to take her raincoat off because she wont'relieve with it on, so, of course, she still got wet. The good thing is she doesn't mind the rain and I just wipe her off with a towel. Otherwise, it was a pretty slow day, although I've been giving her more freedom to explore the house without her leash and even one of our kitties is getting more comfortable around her, getting closer and closer every time she walks by. So, nowI'm really Giving Thanks.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Melanie and I Went to Work Today
Today we had to go to the BVIC to stuff envelopes with the Blindfold newsletter. Although, there were only 3 of us doing the work, we managed to get it done in about 3 hours. Of course, Melanie went with me for her first time at this type of volunteer workand she behaved very well. As she should, she spent most of her time lying under the table chewing on her nyla bone or resting. I gave her water and relieved her after a couple of hours and went back to work. She did become a little fidgety but all in all, was a very nice girl. After we left and went home, I let her play outside off-leash for a while with her "giant" nyla bone and she had a great time. She still has a lot of energy left (more than me), so tomorrow we'll have to take an extra long walk. I sure do love having her with me wherever I go.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I Think We Saw a Wolf!
It may not have been a full wolf but it looked like part of it was. Melanie and I were walking down Pine St., crossed Pine, and followed it down to Lighthouse Ave., A block or so before reaching Lighthouse, we came upon a dog that didn't appear to be tied (at least to me) and we were face to face with it. It didn't bark or growl or try to do anything antagonistic, but the hairs on the back of my neck and I think even Melanie's were up. She didn't do her usual hi-jinks (dog distractions) when she wants to interact with another dog, just looked a little concerned, as was I. Well, instead of working her forward, I took her leash and and "heeled" her across the street before giving her treat and praise for behaving well. She didn't want to linger on that block and the rest of our walk was uneventful. But, that was definitely a situation where it could have turned out to be a very negative event. Well, we're here to tell the tail (Oh, mean tale).
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Walking With the BVIC Staff
Coincidentally, as Melanie and I were walking on the sidewalk parallel to the rec trail, the co-directors of the BVIC were getting ready to take their daily walk. Well, of course, we decided to all have a nice walk together. It gave them a chance to see Melanie in action and also to see how distracted she can become when encountering other dogs. On ourway back, I decided to put on her Gentle Lead as she had become very distracted with smells, etc. which made guide work more difficult. I hadn't planned to take the rec trail that day, but it was a good opportunity to share some time with my compadres. On the way back, I let them go on as I wanted to work Melanie on a corner that she seemd to be taking at an angle. What I discovered was that when crossing the street to the other curb, it was filled with debris from trees, etc., and she was trying to avoid it. She's a great little lady and I'm happy to walk with her and share the time with people who understand what we're trying to accomplish.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A Pretty Good Day
Melanie and I walked on the recreation trail for the first time in about 3 days. She did very well, until we were nearing our exit and got super-distracted by some little dogs. It's as much the owners of the other dogs fault as it is Melanie wanting to interact with them. I can always tell when we are coming upon another dog in the distance, because her ears go up and her pace quickens. She is very focused, but not on her work, on the dog. Despite the obedience and leash correction, I put the Gentle Lead on her and headed her home. In the afternoon, we took a walk around town so that she wouldn't have the all the distractions of dogs, birds, ocean, smells. She gets enough of that on our regular route but the ocean route is more stimulating. The work and REALITY goes on.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Visiting the BVIC and Grocery Shopping
Melanie and I stopped at the BVIC to drop off a few things and visit our friends. The LOVE is just too wonderful. Later, we dropped by our small local grocery store and picked up a couple of cooked chicken breasts for dinner. The amazing thing is that Melanie is so well-trained, that she doesn't even bother me while carrying home the tempting treats. I wanted to tear the bag open and eat them, but she just nonchalantly walked me home. She really was so well-behaved the last few days that I will take her on a short walk down the recreational trail tomorrow. I know she will love it and so will I.
I also got a couple of emails from a few of my classmates who are settling in with their Guides. One lives in Minnesota and said they'd been taking long walks until there was an early snow storm. The problem he was having was his Guide wasn't able to keep a straight line crossing the street in the snow, so that's something he's working on. Another classmate said his new Guide was settling in well with his previous Guide (who coincidentally, is now blind), but for some reason all his dinner napkins seem to be disappearing. Something aLab is noted for finding and playing/eating. So, it seems even the experienced guide dog handlers still have to adjust to a brand-new dog personality in their lives.
I also got a couple of emails from a few of my classmates who are settling in with their Guides. One lives in Minnesota and said they'd been taking long walks until there was an early snow storm. The problem he was having was his Guide wasn't able to keep a straight line crossing the street in the snow, so that's something he's working on. Another classmate said his new Guide was settling in well with his previous Guide (who coincidentally, is now blind), but for some reason all his dinner napkins seem to be disappearing. Something aLab is noted for finding and playing/eating. So, it seems even the experienced guide dog handlers still have to adjust to a brand-new dog personality in their lives.
Monday, November 15, 2010
A Nice Day With Melanie
Because of our last few days being a little off-key, I kept today's walks shorter and away from the ocean. She did okay on the morning walk, but there was a deer distraction, so I put her Gentle Lead on especially since we were going to our local grocer (a smaller one than a few days ago), more of a family market. She did very well and didn't touch anything. It was very hot here today and I wasn't really planning to walk in the afternoon, but after I let her play in the back yard, we took another short walk around the neighborhood where she did especially well. I plan to do at least one more day of not going to the ocean to see how she reacts. When we cross streets, she looks down toward the ocean but has been behaving herself. All in all, a really good day.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
New Routes
Yesterday, Melanie and I took a long walk and ended up at a different end of the recreation trail, where there are small cliff paths along the ocean. I hadn't walked this route in many years but Melanie made it seem simple. Although I it wa a beautiful day and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I think that part of the route was still a little too new for both of us. Melanie does love walking along the ocean trails and paths and when I head her toward home, she starts to drag her feet and keeps looking back at the ocean. I have to keep encouraging her to take the route to home.
This morning, I took a different route away from the ocean, which route she did very well, but as soon as we started back down the towards home (you can only go up away from the ocean or down towards home, where we live 3 blocks from the ocean), she started to pick up energy expecting to go to the ocean again. In fact, when we stopped at a street corner, she just about refused to turn right towards home as she wanted to go towards the ocean. Well, I did the obedience sits and downs, used the leash correction and still got a stubborn response. I finally put on the Gentle Lead, which finally did the trick and she reluctantly headed towards home. This afternoon, I took her out on a fairly short route, but one that didn't go by the ocean and she responded very well, apparently realizing that she had been disobedient and also that she does not like to wear the Gentle Lead. For the next few days at least we'll take only walks that do not include the recreation trail so that she can concentrate on her "real job".
This morning, I took a different route away from the ocean, which route she did very well, but as soon as we started back down the towards home (you can only go up away from the ocean or down towards home, where we live 3 blocks from the ocean), she started to pick up energy expecting to go to the ocean again. In fact, when we stopped at a street corner, she just about refused to turn right towards home as she wanted to go towards the ocean. Well, I did the obedience sits and downs, used the leash correction and still got a stubborn response. I finally put on the Gentle Lead, which finally did the trick and she reluctantly headed towards home. This afternoon, I took her out on a fairly short route, but one that didn't go by the ocean and she responded very well, apparently realizing that she had been disobedient and also that she does not like to wear the Gentle Lead. For the next few days at least we'll take only walks that do not include the recreation trail so that she can concentrate on her "real job".
Friday, November 12, 2010
Melanie is Feeling Fine
We had a great day today. Instead of a long walk in the morning, we went to a local grocery store and picked up a couple of items. It was her first time in a local grocery store and she was a perfect little lady. She didn't try to take anything that didn't belong to her and I introduced her to one of the clerks I am acquainted with. Later in the afternoon, we had an energetic walk on the recreation trail. We actually started out on the sidewalk running parallel to the trail where, apparently, Public Works has put up those folding signs alerting the public of some kind of work they plan. Most of them were right in the middle of the sidewalk, but Melanie just walked me around them and I never touched a one. It wa so great, because, normally, I would have avoided the siewalk altogether not knowing what was ahead. But with Melanie, we just keep on going. What a wonderful little girl. Now, I'm getting emails from people who've seen us walking on the sidewalks and complimenting how well we work together. One woman was walking behind us this morning and finally came running up just to say she had been watching us for a while and couldn't believe how well we worked together. Of course, our training together is ongoing, but I do believe we will be a great team.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Melanie Threw Up!
Oh Dear, my Melanie just threw up a little; of course, I'll have to keep an eye on her, but she does seem fine and I think (hope) that it's just one of those "one time" things. Actually, today, I decided we should just do a different walk this morning and then let her and me take a rest this afternoon. The last few days she'ss been a little off-focus, but I think that's just part of the testing process. So, this afternoon I just let her run loose in our nice back yard. Even though we had artificial grass put in, when I was on the ground playing with her, I noticed that some of those green clovers were poking through. I pulled some out, but I think she may have eaten one or two. I brought her in and she seemed fine, but a little later she did throw up a little. Right now, she's fine, ate her dinner and is relieving normally. I have also started reviewing the CD's GDB sent me prior to training to remind myself of some of the prope rtechniques of guide work. It's so easy to fall into a habit of expecting a certain response from your Guide, even if the request wasn't delivered properly. So, tomorrow morning will be a short walk to the grocery store (for the first time here) and then a longer one in the afternoon, just to shake things up a little. Melanie is still a sweetheart and fun to be around.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Walking on Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey
Melanie and I had a lovely walk along the ocean and walked on Fishrman's Wharf to look at the fishing boats coming in and out. She was really very attentive, but still got distracted by dogs; however, I continued obedience work with her during those times and she re-focused. It appears to be something we need to work on a ot. She really wants to play with all the dogs, I guess because she's still in her puppy stage; however, that's something we need to work on constantly. We went out again later in the afternoon and she was generally distracted and pouty, so I put the "Gentle Leader" on her to help focus her better, but she was still being somewhat obstinate. We're obviously in the testing stage of our relationship. Otherwise, her behavior at home is exemplary. Just before I got in the front door after our second walk, my husband said I had to go across the street and visit our 86 year old neighbor who's lived there for probably 50 - 60 years. She has a large family who look after her, but she's still the matriarch of the block. She'd been watching me come and go with Melanie but never had enough time to get up and call me over and I was so busy with Melanie, I didn't think to drop by. Apparently she had stopped by while I was out and told my husband that I needed to stop by so she could meet Melanie. Well, here we go, everyone, loves Melanie ad she did as well. Now she wants us to walk around the block together so she can see how Melanie does her job. We've been friendly neighbors for many years, but Melanie is now becoming the most important member of our neighborhood and I think that's just Great!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Reality of Relieving a Dog
Yesterday was a gorgeous day, especially after the rain the day before. The air was clean and clear, the sun was out, and Melanie and I walked up streets I hadn't walked in years. It was lovely as we walked down Forest Avenue heading towards home; however, right in the middle of the sidewalk, Melani just had to relieve (#2). Of course, I had a bag with me and picked it up, but there were no trash cans for 4 or 5 blocks. It was quite interesting to feel lik a very composed and thoughtful person who cleaned up after their dog and one who would just love to throw that stupid bag in the curb. However, I carried on, swinging my bag of pooh, until, finally, I came upon a trash can and got rid of it. It's one thing to pick i up and get rid of it and another to carry it around with you. I can't be the only one who's dealt with this situation anI would love to hear from anyone who has an idea to deal with it responsibly. I did pack an extra cloth bag today to use as a decoy, but there may be something better, I hope?
Monday, November 8, 2010
New Blog Title, A New Reality
I decided to change the name of my previous blog, Guide Dog Anticipation, to Guide Dog Reality. Now that I have Melanie in my life, my life is really different. My life is enhanced, richer, more confident, and happier. From the moment I met Melanie on 10/13/10, my life has definitely become better. I've shared with followers my anticipation of getting a Guide Dog with all the excitement and anxiety it entailed. I believed it would have a positive impact on my life, but until I experienced the freedom of traveling the streets an byways of Pacific Grove, it just finally came together. Since Melanie and I arrived home last Saturday evening after graduation, on 10/30/10, everyday has been a different place to go, a bakery, city hall, the vet, and paths and routes I hadn't taken in years. This is just the beginnig of our new life together and I am so happy to share it with my husband (who has now totally fallen in love with Melanie), my 2 cats (who, for the first time today have both tiptoed into the living room while Melanie and I were watching TV). Actually, I was watching TV and Melanie was chewing her nyla bone and wagging her tail at the cats.
For those who have followed the Guide Dog Anticipation blog, I've imported the postings to this blog in case you want to check out our progress. As soon as I get a proper .jpg photo of Melanie and me, I'll post it to this blog. Enjoy the ride!
For those who have followed the Guide Dog Anticipation blog, I've imported the postings to this blog in case you want to check out our progress. As soon as I get a proper .jpg photo of Melanie and me, I'll post it to this blog. Enjoy the ride!
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